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  • Quiz: Git and GitHub

    Duration: 30 minutes Total points: 6 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Reading: Additional Resources

    GitHub: Pricing GitHub is free to use, but it also offers different pricing models to suit the needs of different-sized teams and organizations. Check out the link below: Git: An Origin Story Git Cheatsheet Git patterns and anti-patterns for successful developers Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git Vim Cheatsheet

  • Survey: Self-review: Create a repository with forking

    Duration: 15 minutes Total points: 3 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Reading: About this graded assessment

    The purpose of the graded assessment The main purpose of a graded assessment is to check your understanding of the key learning objectives of the course you have just completed. Most importantly, graded assessments help you establish which topics you have mastered and which topics require further focus, before you can complete the course. Ultimately, the graded assessment is designed to help you make sure that you are ready for the next course in this program. Prepare for the graded assessment You have encountered exercises, quizzes, in-video questions and other assessments as you have progressed through the course. Nothing in the graded assessment will be outside what you have covered already, so you should be well placed to succeed. Review the graded assessment Please review the feedback after taking the assessment and where necessary go back and work through the topics that you feel require your further attention. Good luck!

  • Text: End-of-course graded assessment

    Duration: 35 minutes Total points: 10 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Next steps, after completing Version Control

    Congratulations! You've completed this course and taken another step toward improving your knowledge, skills, and qualifications. Version control is a practice that spans the whole spectrum of web and mobile development, so is, therefore, a valuable ability in any aspiring developer's skillset. You are now ready to move on to the next course in this program, where you will continue your journey in developing skills to build dynamic, responsive, and interactive apps. Be sure to take the next course. It’s your chance to gain further insight into the world of software development.

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