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  • Reading: Android App Cheat Sheet

    In order to get started with developing an app, you need a clear understanding of relevant concepts. So, as part of your introduction to Android Development, you will be introduced to a few concepts that will help get you started with development quickly and explore their roles in Android app development. Key Android Development concepts Top Level Component The ability to connect to the internet, make calls, take pictures and much more is made possible in Android apps with the help of four top-level component classes: BroadcastReceiver, ContentProvider, Service and Activity. These are all accessible in the Android software development kit (SDK). Activity Components Activities present the content users can interact with on the screen. These are the only components that deliver interactive content to the user. An Activity represents something an application can do. Although an application can provide more than one Activity, many developers are following a Single-Activity architecture pattern when creating their apps. This implies that only one Activity or a relatively small number of Activities are used for an entire application. Android Views In Android, Views occupy a rectangular area on the screen and are responsible for drawing and event handling. They can display images, text and more. A combination of all of these Views forms a design interface. Android Layout Files In Android, each layout is represented by an XML file. These plain text files serve as blueprints for the interface that your application presents to the user. In addition to the XML approach, there are other ways to create a user interface. For example, interfaces can be created with Android Views entirely in code using Kotlin or Java. Also, Google has created a completely new way of creating Android user interfaces - Jetpack Compose. With this library, interfaces are created entirely in Kotlin code, without XML. Project Files Android Project Files belong to one of three main categories: configuration, code and resource. Configuration files define the project structure, code files provide the logic and resource files provide essentially everything else.

  • Reading: Extensible Markup Language: XML

    In Android development, using Extensible Markup Language (XML) is one way you can develop your app's user interface (UI). Read on to find out more about XML, its functions and structure. What is XML? XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used in the presentation of different kinds of data. This is a flexible and descriptive way to create well-structured data and electronically distribute it across the public internet, as well as via corporate networks. Its main function is to create data formats that are used to encode information for documentation, records, transactions and several other data formats. Data presented using XML may be used for creating different data types that are generated by building dissimilar types of content, including web and mobile content. XML for transaction data Thousands of XML formats exist, in many different industries, to describe day-to-day data transactions, such as: Stocks and Shares Financial transactions Medical data Mathematical data Scientific measurements News information Weather services Structure of an XML document The whole structure of XML and XML-based languages is built on tags. Correct design rules For an XML document to be valid, the following conditions must be fulfilled: The document must be well formed. The document must comply with all the rules of the XML syntax. For example, the XML structure below is missing tag. For every opening tag, there must be a corresponding closing tag. The structure below violates that rule.

  • Survey: Univad survey

    This survey is to help us understand your current stage and further help you make more from this course by recommending the best tools and methodologies to gain more from Edcent. Duration: 10 minutes Level: Optional Click "Complete" to take the survey.

  • OS versions and images

    You now know that Android operating system (OS) images are versions of Android that you can run on a computer. For example, you could download the system image of the latest Android OS and run it on the emulator to see what the OS is like and test the latest features. Or, if you wanted to test your app and how it runs on an earlier version of Android, you could download an older system image like Android Lollipop and run that. Below is a table of the Android OS versions and their corresponding Application Programming Interface (API) levels. X

  • Survey: Quiz: Development Environment Setup

    Duration: 15 minutes Total points: 5 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Quiz: Android Projects

    Duration: 15 minutes Total points: 5 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

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