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  • Survey: Univad survey

    This survey is to help us understand your current stage and further help you make more from this course by recommending the best tools and methodologies to gain more from Edcent. Duration: 10 minutes Level: Optional Click "Complete" to take the survey.

  • OS versions and images

    You now know that Android operating system (OS) images are versions of Android that you can run on a computer. For example, you could download the system image of the latest Android OS and run it on the emulator to see what the OS is like and test the latest features. Or, if you wanted to test your app and how it runs on an earlier version of Android, you could download an older system image like Android Lollipop and run that. Below is a table of the Android OS versions and their corresponding Application Programming Interface (API) levels. X

  • Survey: Quiz: Development Environment Setup

    Duration: 15 minutes Total points: 5 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Quiz: Android Projects

    Duration: 15 minutes Total points: 5 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Project files

    As part of your learning related to project structure in Android Studio, it is essential for you to be aware of some of the key files within this structure and their functions. To access the entire file structure of a project including all files hidden within folders from the Android View, select Project from the dropdown at the top of the Project window. Choosing Project View displays many more files and directories. Project file types The most important project files and their contents include: build/ Contains files generated after a project build occurs libs/ Contains private and 3rd party libraries used within the app src/ Contains all code and resource files for the module in its subdirectories androidTest/ Contains code for testing features of the app that runs on an emulator or a physical device test/ Contains code used for unit testing code, with unit tests executed on the computer main/ Contains the Android code and resources shared by all build variants for testing and production deployments AndroidManifest.xml Describes specific information about your app and each of its components such as Activity java/ Contains Java and Kotlin-related code files gen/ Contains the Java files generated by Android Studio, which are required for the app to build successfully (not displayed in the image above) res/ Contains application resources, such as image files, layout files for user interface designs, color files, dimension files and UI string for managing texts used across the app assets/ Contains files that should be compiled into an .apk file as-is (not displayed in the image above) You can navigate this directory in the same way as a typical file system using URIs and read files as a stream of bytes using the AssetManager. assets/ is a good location for video files, for example.

  • Survey: Module quiz: Emulation and Development

    Duration: 15 minutes Total points: 5 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

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