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  • Reading: Additional Resources

    Agile methodologies Installing git on mac and windows, detailed instructions. Bash Reference Manual Bash Redirections Bash Cheatsheet Grep Cheatsheet Grep Manual History and Timeline of Unix History of Vim How to work with relative and absolute paths Unix Commands Cheatsheet Vim Cheatsheet

  • Reading: Connecting to GitHub via SSH

    If you plan to use Github from your local device, the recommended way to authenticate is using Secure Shell, or SSH for short. This requires the creation of keys: a public and a private key. The advantage of using SSH is that you don't need to enter in your credentials when interacting with the remote repository. The keys are generated and stored on your local machine and then the public key is copied to the Github server. After you finish setting up, every operation will be authenticated using the keys. Generate SSH keys The process is the same for both Windows and Mac. On Windows, you can use the Git Bash terminal and on Mac, the standard terminal will work. Open the terminal Enter the following: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" Replace the email with your own and press enter. It will prompt to enter a password. Hit enter to skip setting a password and do the same for entering the same passphrase again. Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in ./ssh/private_key. Your public key has been saved in ./ssh/ The key fingerprint is: SHA256:UDQI5N1FL3QSq7Gj1o12mkr9Me7qGMZAeE1s9BWIln4 The key's randomart image is: +--[ED25519 256]--+ | .o+o=+oOo. | | o +B+.= = | | . +++ + o . | | o ..E+ . | | . .S | | o + + | | B = = | | + + * o | | oo=o+ | +----[SHA256]-----+ Once you have confirmed it will generate the above to confirm the keys have been created. Both keys will be stored in the .ssh folder. In order to add our key to Github, we need to get a copy of the public key which is always identified as .pub in your local directory. Find the name of the key file using the below command. ls ~/.ssh/ Then, use the below command to copy the file, replacing the with the name of the key file on your device. pbcopy < ~/.ssh/.pub Adding Your Keys to Github We now need to add our public key to Github to grant access to the repositories we create. Step 1: Log on to Github Step 2: Click on the profile icon in the top right of the screen and select Settings. Step 3: On the Settings screen, on the left-hand side under the Access section, click SSH and GPG Keys Step 4: Click the New SSH key button in Green on the right-hand side of the screen. Step 5: Enter a title and paste in your public key that you copied previously. Step 6: Click the Add SSH key button. You are now ready to access Github via SSH. Accessing Repositories When accessing a repository and using SSH authentication, make sure to always use the SSH address of the repository.

  • Survey: Self review: Using a Repository

    Duration: 5 minutes Total points: 1 Complete the following steps to answer the question below. Step 1: Go to Github Step 2: Go to the repository that you created during the exercise Step 3: Click on the commit history of the repository. Does the most recent commit message on your respository contain the text Successful exercise similar to the screenshot below? Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Reading: Forking

    In previous lessons, you have touched on workflows such as branching and how they can be used to simplify a process for a team. Forking is another type of workflow. The key difference between branching and forking is that the workflow for forking creates a new repository entirely. Branching cuts a new branch from the same repository each time and each member of the team works on the single repository. Let's take a simple example of how forking works. In the diagram below the coolgame repo has been forked by Joe. The entire contents and the history of the repository are now stored in Joe's account on GitHub. Joe is now free to make edits and changes to the repository at his own will. You, the owner of the coolgame repository can continue to work as normal and not know about Joe's edits or changes. Joe created a new branch on his repository and added a new cool feature that he felt was needed. In order for Joe to get his feature back into the original repository, he will need to create a PR as normal but instead of comparing with the main branch, it needs to be compared with the original repository. Essentially the two repositories are compared against each other. The owner of the original repository can then review the PR and choose to accept of decline the new feature. Forking Let us take a look at how you can fork an existing repository that is available on GitHub. For this example, let's fork the forking lesson repository. Step 1: Go to Step 2: Click on the Fork button on the top right of the page. Step 3: It will then prompt you to fork the repository to your desired account. Choose the account you wish to fork to. Step 4: Github will then clone the repository into your chosen GitHub account. In a couple of steps, you have successfully forked a repository into our own GitHub account. The full repository is cloned and allows us to work directly in that repository as if it was our own. On the landing page of the GitHub repository, it will show directly under the repository name that it was forked from Meta-Front-End-Developer-PC/forking-lesson. Other subtle differences in the GitHub UI on a forked branch is the top information bar above the files. It now shows that the branch is up to date with forking-lesson:main. It also adds a Fetch upstream drop-down to allow you to pull and merge the latest changes from the original repository. Example Let's run through a typical flow of creating a new branch and adding some new content. Step 1: Clone the repository. Step 2: Create a new branch. git checkout -b test/forking-example Step 4: Create a new file and commit it to the repository. touch text.txt git add . git commit -m 'chore: testing' Step 5 Push the branch to your remote repository. git push -u origin test/forking-example Step 6: Go to Github and click the Compare & pull request button. If it's not available, click on the branch dropdown button and change it from main to the branch name of test/forking-example: After clicking the Compare & pull request button it will now redirect to the original repository in order to create the PR. Each repository will have its own guidelines for submitting PRs against them and usually provide a how-to contribute guide. As you can see, in order to get the changes from our forked repository, you need to compare it against the original. This gives a lot of control to the repository owners of the original and they get to decide what makes the cut to be merged in. In this lesson you covered the basics of forking a repository, adding some changes, and then creating a PR to get it back to the original repository.

  • Survey: Quiz: Git and GitHub

    Duration: 30 minutes Total points: 6 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Discussion prompt: Share your challenges

    Share the challenges you encountered creating a Git repository Git repositories are a versatile and powerful tool, widely used by developers across the world. However, it can take some time to get used to how it all works and become a useful tool in your skillset. It can be helpful to share any challenges you are facing with others on the course, and you may find you can assist others with challenges they are facing. What have you found difficult when creating a Git repository? Is there anything you would like to learn more about Github? Is there something you would like to use Git repositories for, but don't quite know how to achieve it yet? What do you feel confident about when creating Git repositories? Share your thoughts with your classmates and explore how you can help each other get to the next level! *Participation is optional

  • Survey: Self review: Managing a project in GitHub

    Duration: 10 minutes Total points: 3 In the previous exercise, Managing a project in Github, you forked the repository, altered the file, used diff to inspect the changes to class.txt. and pushed the file as a commit. Reflect on the process. Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Discussion prompt: Share your Diff challanges

    Discuss the challenges you encountered when using the Diff command Great. You've completed the graded assessment and had a chance to put your understanding of the Diff command to the test! However, it's not always a straight-forward task and it is common to face difficulties and challenges along the way. It can be helpful to share any challenges you experienced while completing the assessment with others on the course. You may find that your peers can help you understand something you have struggled with, and that you can assist others with challenges they have faced. What have you found difficult when using the Diff command? Is there anything you would like to work on to enhance your understanding? Is there something you would like to use the Diff command for, but don't quite know how to achieve it yet? What do you feel confident about when using the Diff command? Share your thoughts with your classmates and explore how you can help each other get to the next level! *Participation is optional

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