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  • Software Collaboration

    In this module, you will learn about how modern software developers collaborate across the world without messing up each other's code. This involves using version control or subversion to bring order to the chaos of massive software projects that have the potential for mistakes and bugs. You will look at the different version control systems and how to create an effective software development workflow. Learning Objectives Describe how modern software teams collaborate and work on the same codebase. List different version control systems and methodologies. Illustrate a standard software development workflow.

  • Working with Git

    This module will help you to develop a strong conceptual understanding of the Git technology and how it is used in software development projects to manage team files. You will install Git, create a local repository, create a commit, create a remote repository and push commits to a remote repository. Learning Objectives Outline the Git principles. Use a GitHub repository. Describe the steps in a standard GitHub workflow. Create branches and merge different branches and sources. Describe how code goes from local development to version control and then to live production.

  • Graded assessment

    In this module, you will be assessed on the key skills covered in the Course. Learning Objectives Apply the skills and knowledge from this course on Version Control in a practical assessment

  • Explanation quizzes

    Practice quiz: The practice quiz can be used to verify if you have understood the video material of this module. Have fun! Graded quiz: The graded quiz counts for 20% towards your final results. It tests the learning objectives formulated for ‘Data and Lean Six Sigma’. The test consists of 10 multiple choice questions. Every question has only 1 correct answer. Good luck!

  • Survey: Practice quiz - Data and Lean Six Sigma

    Duration: 30 minutes Total points: 18 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Survey: Graded quiz - Data and Lean Six Sigma

    Duration: 10 minutes Total points: 9 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

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