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  • What did you find most challenging in this course?

    What are the things you found most challenging when completing this course? Do you feel confident about taking the skills you have developed here and applying them to a personal project or a real-life workplace solution? Is there anything that you want to expand your knowledge on going forwards? And what are your ambitions for the future with the skillset that you are building? Please share your thoughts and experiences with others on the course. *Participation is optional

  • Course Resources

    Data Resources All the data files used in the videos (both explanations and exercises) can be found in this excel file: Overview videos Here you may find an overview of all videos in this course. Use it to your advantage.

  • Reading: Minitab: what is it?

    What is Minitab? Minitab is a statistical software package. It is used in many organisations by Belts executing Lean Six Sigma projects. I will be using Minitab throughout this course in the videos. I will show you how to analyze your data in Minitab. I really like Minitab because it is very easy to use. See the video "Introduction to Minitab" for a quick introduction. Is Minitab obligatory in this course? No, it is not. You can finish this course by just looking at the videos. However it will be a lot more engaging and you will learn a lot more if you perform all the data analysis yourself as well. If you are not going to use Minitab, you can skip the videos in this lesson. Where do I get Minitab? You can download the free 30-day trial version on Watch the video 'Installing Minitab' for instructions on how to install Minitab. Data files for Minitab In the supplementary material you can find the file 'data_files_DA-LSS.xlsx'. This files contains all the data we will use throughout this course.

  • Practice quiz - Data and Lean Six Sigma

    Duration: 30 minutes Total points: 18 Read Edcent Honor Code Click Complete to take the quiz.

  • Reading: Data needed for the next videos!

    In the next video's you will need to start analyzing data yourself. So make sure that you have downloaded Minitab and have also found the data file. How to download Minitab? In the first week there is a video explaining how to download Minitab. If you haven't done this yet: do it now! You need the programme for the upcoming video lectures. Where to find the data files? Go to the supplementary materials: there you will find an excel file. You only need to download this file once as it contains all the data that we will use throughout this course. No access to Minitab? If you do not have access to Minitab, don't worry. You can still watch all the videos. However you will not be able to analyze any of the data sets yourself. I do recommend that you open the data files in excel, just to have look and maybe use excel to do some simple analysis.

  • Reading: Video exercises

    Ready to practice? Each module will have a few exercise videos at the end. In these videos I will first explain the question to you. Then you will have to start analysing the data on your own in order to answer the question. Really try to do this! After all, this is the best way to learn. After you are done, continue watching and you will find the solution and an explanation in the rest of the video. Good luck! Inez Zwetsloot

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